The GEM Fellowship application cycle is currently open. Click Here.

We See Scientific Impact

Creativity is not fluid, it is a bang, a spark, a moment. That moment has a greater chance of existing when many different, educated perspectives converge in one area like flammable gas to the match. We see an amazing future, driven by science and technology and believe that diversity will lead US STEM to greater heights and encourage all to join us on this journey.

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GEM Partnership Adds Value


  • Advanced STEM degree opportunities
    at a major participating university
  • No financial burden
  • Internships with top major employers
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  • Increase your institution’s diverse technical student population
  • Partner with industry leaders
  • Access to a database of top national underrepresented minority (URM) talent
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  • Top diverse students intern at
    your company
  • Reduced total cost of acquiring high level niche technical talent
  • Easy access through an online portal
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GEM recruits high quality underrepresented students looking to pursue Master’s and Doctoral degrees in applied science and engineering, and matches their specific skills to the specific technical needs of GEM employer partners.


More than 2200 applicants per year are screened and matched to employer needs.

Average GPA

Students’ average GPA exceeds 3.5 across a wide variety of technical majors.

Full Time Offer

More than 80% of students accept full time offers from sponsoring employers.

GEM Fellowships

More than 4000 successful GEM Fellowships since 1976.