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Alvin McClerkin

I-Corps Participant Team number 1846

Alvin has been an Operations Research Analyst for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) for ten years. Mr. McClerkin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Science from Mississippi Valley State University. Mr. McClerkin was the former Chair of the Office of Environmental Management/Office of Nuclear Energy/Office of Science Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Support Group. Mr. McClerkin is qualified in DOE-STD-1172, Safety Software Quality Assurance Functional Area Qualification Standard, and DOE-STD-1150, Quality Assurance Functional AreaQualification Standard. He is the OREM SQA Subject Matter Expert. In addition, Mr. McClerkin participates in a wide range of assessments across the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE complex, with specific focus on SQA; DOE Order 414.1D, Quality Assurance criteria; and training and qualification. Mr. McClerkin participated in a three-month detail to the Chief of Nuclear Safety Office in the Spring 2010. Prior to his employment with DOE, Mr. McClerkin served at OREM as an intern for the summers of 2007 and 2008. Mr. McClerkin served as the I Corps Technical Lead (TL) for Team number 1846.